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Contact Us 聯絡我們

At Agewhale, we are dedicated to supporting caregivers. We provide various services for organizations to help employees balance work and elder care, creating an inclusive and effective work environment. Let us know about your organization, and we will be in touch shortly.

Agewhale 致力支援照顧者,為機構提供不同服務,協助員工平衡工作和長者照顧,締造共融和高效的工作環境。請提供以下資料,我們將很快與您聯繫。
Website 網址
Your information 你的資料
Company information 公司資料
Number of full-time employees in Hong Kong 香港全職僱員人數

Which services would you like to learn more about? 您想了解哪些服務?

Which services would you like to learn more about? 您想了解哪些服務?
How did you learn about Agewhale? 您是從甚麼途徑認識 Agewhale?
Untitled multiple choice field

By clicking "Submit", you agree to our privacy policy. 點擊「提交」即表示您同意我們的 隱私權政策